It's nice to hide tabs in all your programs
⚠️ This is a draft. It's probably not very good. I'll post about it when it's done! ⚠️
Here's my web browser:
TODO screenshot
And here's my notes app, Obsidian:
TODO screenshot
And here's my text editor of choice, Neovim:
TODO screenshot
What's missing? Well, a lot, maybe, but specifically:
TODO screenshots of just the tab bar of each
I used to think this was absurd. When I first used Spacemacs, I felt very lost because I couldn't see the files I had open. (I also felt very lost because I was using Spacemacs.)
Then one day I tried the "Cycle (tabs) in Recently Used Order" setting in Vivaldi.
TODO screenshot
It was awesome. I realised how I'd been suffering all these years, tabbing slowly left-to-right or right-to-left.
Some time later, I realised that I never actually need to look at the tabs in my bar, because I had long stopped clicking on them with the mouse. The only reason they were there was so I could arrange them neatly:
TODO screenshot
It occurred to me that this arrangement was a prison of my own creation. What if I just didn't care? It would be distracting and visually confusing, right? But... I could disable tabs entirely.
TODO screenshot of setting
I tried it. It worked great. The main things I needed to be able to actually use the browser were:
to change tabsCtrl+W
to close a tabCtrl+L
to type into the address/search barCtrl+E
for literally everything else.
TODO screenshot of Ctrl+E thingy